BSS Debate: Holding Up the Mirror, a success in attendance, press coverage and guests’ feedback.
- Posted by Jonny hough
- On October 26, 2017
The BritishSpanish Society thanks all his members and friends for the overwhelming support received at our events, in particular at our last debate event Holding Up the Mirror: UK-Spain Cultural Relations in the Light of Brexit, last October 26th at Canning House, Belgravia.
We are very grateful for your interest resulting in a fully booked auditorium, including press coverage, and for your enthusiastic participation at the debate.
In the picture, left to right, Jimmy Burns Marañon (Journalist, Writer and BSS Chairman), John Carlin (Journalist at El País), Dr Estrella Luna (Academic at Sheffield University and SRUK President), Fernando Mínguez (Cuatrecasas Partner and former Official at Banco de España), Miles Johnson (Financial Times Capital Markets Editor and BSS Executive Council) and Crhis Bryant MP (Labour Party and Houses of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee) at the Council Room in Canning House, Belgravia.
Click here to see the forthcoming BritihsSpanish Society cultural and social events.
Early reservations strongly recomended.
Event kindly supported by