Conference: UK post-election expert panel discussion

Event Date:

July 9, 2024

Event Time:

5:00 pm

Event Location:

Fundacion Ortega Marañón

Panel Discussion : Global challengesPeligra la democracia en el mundo?

PLEASE NOTE a change in the published start time, the event will now start at 6pm CEST/5pm BST and end at 8pm CEST/7pmBST. 

The conference will be conducted in Spanish. Attendance is free, please register in advance to attend the event in person, you can also follow the event online

Presented by Federico Buyolo, director cultural de la Fundación Ortega Marañón, and Jimmy Burns Marañón, author, journalist and Chairman of the BritishSpanish Society

Emilio SáenzFrancés, profesor de Historia y Relaciones Internacionales en la Universidad Pontificia Comillas ICAI-ICADE de Madrid; David Mathieson, author, BSS member, former adviser to the foreign secretary Robin Cook during the government of Tony Blair; Iliana Olivié, investigadora principal del Real Instituto Elcano y Profesora titular en el     Departamento de Economía Aplicada,Estructura e Historia de la Universidad de Complutense de Madrid . 

FOLLOWED BY Panel Discussion: Reino Unido Cambio y Futuro

Ben Sills, Director, Política y Economía Europea, Bloomberg News; Sarah Morris, Periodista británica, miembro del BritishSpanish Society. Recibió el reconocimiento de Mejor corresponsal extranjera en España en los Premios Internacionales de Periodismo 2022 ; Lane Greene, Columnista y Corresponsal en Madrid de The Economist Chaired by Jimmy Burns Marañón,




Total Seats: 230
  • Fundacion Ortega Marañón
  • Fortuny 23,
  • Madrid

Event Schedule Details

  • July 9, 2024 5:00 pm
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Thank you to the donors of the BSS Fundraising Appeal

Cristina Álvarez-Campana

Jimmy Burns

Janin Campos

Helen Crisp

Roger Golland

Paul Graham

Dame Denise Holt

Javier Lánderer

Dame Mary Marsh

Charles Morgan

Lady Mª Belén Parker

Luis Quiroga

Juan Reig

John Scanlan

Mike Short

Jonathan Stordy

Mrs Mercedes Sutherland

Benjamin Welch

Duke of Wellington

Sir Stephen Wright

Carmen & Scott Young

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