Music at 22 Mansfield Street
9 May Philip James Leslie – piano
Mompou – Paisages, John Ireland – Sarnia, York Bowen – Toccata Op.155, Mussorgsky – Pictures at an Exhibition Drinks and canapés after
Concert start at 7.30pm with drinks from 7pm.
Book by email to or phone
07734 054 404
We do not issue tickets but please check that your booking is confirmed.
Prices when not otherwise specified
supper after £50
drinks & canapés after £35
with just
pre-concert drink £20
Please specify when booking which option you want!
Note on each evening there is either supper or
drinks and canapés after as specified above but not both.
Student discount £10
Payments should be made to The Nicholas Boas Trading Co
Bank transfers to The Nicholas Boas Trading Co, RBS Cavendish Sq
Sort Code 160030, A/C
1016 7670 reference the date of the concert
Payment in cash on the evening should be made to Bob Boas in an envelope with your name on it.
Cheques to 22
Flat 79 Harley House, Marylebone Road, NW1 5HN
We are not able to take credit card payments
The payments above cover the costs of the evenings and cannot be Gift Aided.