BSS Scholarship Awards Ceremony – 2020
- Posted by Cristina A-C
- On September 22, 2020
At a ceremony hold at the Spanish Embassy in London on 17 September the BSS celebrated ten remarkable winners of scholarships to support doctoral and masters studies in the coming academic year.
Over £60,000 has been allocated to fund the bursaries. It is the largest sum ever raised by the Society, drawing on generous corporate and individual donors who share the charity’s mission of promoting educational exchanges between Spain and the UK.
The successful students will be conducting pioneering research at leading universities in both countries. Their fields range from novel ways of minimizing invasive surgery to the physics of photovoltaic materials, and from comparative studies of the economics of ageing populations in rural regions to English Catholic espionage in the sixteenth century. One doctoral study looks at complex legal issues around citizenship in a post-Brexit EU. Another is developing new frontiers in the cellular understanding of leukaemia. A couple are too esoteric to describe in a press release! An outstanding cellist scholar will be heading to the Royal College of Music. At the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama the focus is on toxic masculinity in a migrant neighbourhood of Madrid and an artistic methodology to challenge it.
Some 200 eligible applications were received. An independent academic committee whittled down the shortlist, looking for outstanding proposals which best fitted the charity’s objectives of building bridges between academic institutions and the peoples of Spain and Britain.
Since the scholarship programme was launched in 2008 the BSS has secured funding for more than 96 individual scholarships for some of the most talented and deserving post-graduate students, many of whom have gone on to establish distinguished careers.
Dr Marian Jiménez-Riesco, the trustee responsible for the programme said “Scientific and cultural diplomacy between the UK and Spain were two of the key goals set by the charity at its foundation in 1916. More than 100 years on we continue to pursue that mission and the scholarship programme is the best example of that.”
Jimmy Burns Marañón, Chairman of the BSS, said “The record number of awards this year is a significant milestone in the history of the Society, a tribute to the hard work and commitment of our volunteers, and an investment in the future – as the charity, university and business sectors confront the impact of Covid-19, climate change and an unsettled world.”
The scheme has been made possible by the generosity of leading companies operating in both countries, including household names like Santander, BBVA, Sabadell and Telefonica. Other principal supporters include the international law firm Cuatrecasas, the Canada Blanch Foundation, the document security company Signe, food products innovators DPS and the hi-tech recycling company Plastic Energy.
In case you missed the event, now you can see it on the BSS Youtube Channel by clicking the following link BSS Scholarship Awards Ceremony 2020
Below are the awards for 2020:
• PhD in Applied Economy • University of Almería and University of Oxford
Getting older in rural areas, the case of Spain and UK. A systematic literature review and a comparison of the state of the art between the two countries.
The countries of Europe are increasingly more aged. The rural areas are, in numerous countries, the most affected by this phenomenon. This is the case of Spain and UK. In this context, as a part of my PhD, the aims of this research are producing a systematic review of all literature regarding population ageing in rural areas focused in Spain on one side and, on the other side, in United Kingdom; and comparing the state of the art between the two countries. Besides, this specific project is thought as a first step for future research projects.
- PhD student on Rural Depopulation in the Applied Economic Area (2017- Present), University of Almería.
- PhD mobility to National University of Salta as a visiting student (Argentina) during 11 months (2017-2018), granted by Sustain-T Erasmus Mundus scholarship.
- PhD mobility to Oxford Institute of Population Ageing as a visiting student during 3 months (2019), granted by CERU ON THE MOVE scholarship.
- MSc on Local Sustainable Development and Co-development (2016), University of Almería. Funding granted by Open Future scholarship.
- University teaching experience, within the Master on Local Sustainable Development and Co-development (2018).
- MSc on Renewable Energy and Natural Environment (2012), Polytechnic University of Madrid.
- An active member of the research project 2338 of the National University of Salta: Energy resources and energy education in context: two ways to multidisciplinary research in renewable energies (2017-Present).
- Findings published in peer-reviewed journals and international congress.
- Researcher in a Cooperation project within the framework of The Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (Present) at the University of Almería.
- Co-director of EduMAYE-2 (Education for the conservation of the environment and the use of renewable energy) research project, in the framework of the 12o call for extension projects in the National University of Salta (2016-2017).
Predoctoral Research (PhD student)
Department of Economics, University of Almería, 2017-Present
- Characterisation of depopulated areas of Andalucía, Spain
- Utilising Bibliometric analysis to investigate about rural depopulation international scientific production
- Publishing of scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals
- Attendance and presenting of results at national and international meetings
Postgraduate Research (Master student)
Department of Economics, University of Almería, 2016-2017
- Developing a case study in a rural town about the relationship between dealing with rural depopulation and sustainability
- Utilising multicriterial analysis to investigate measures to dealt with energetic poverty in native communities
- Assessment of rural population using probabilistic models
- Statistical analysis of population variables
- Use of R packages to assist in the analyse of data
- Sustain-T, Erasmus Mundus Scholarship. predoctoral mobility to National University of Salta, Argentina (16500€, 11 months), 2017-2018
- Ceru On the Move Scholarship. predoctoral mobility to Oxford Institute of Population Ageing, UK (4500€, 3 months), 2019
- Open future Award for Master students (90% Master enrolment) 2016
- Erasmus Scholarship, ungraduated mobility to Bordeaux I, France (1200€, 6 months), 2010
VIVAS MARTINEZ, Gabriel Leonardo
MA in Applied Theatre • Royal Central School of Speech and Drama ”
Understand masculinity in Tetuan neighbourhood.
“Motivated by the alarming rates of homosocial violence and bullying between young boys in Spain (Oñate, 2007; Ballesteros, 2014), my project aims to investigate what young people in the Spanish social context understand as ‘being a man’ and how those ideas are performed and embodied. Using applied theatre and body movement methods with young boys in Tetuán, a migrant’s neighbourhood in Madrid with high rates of violence and gang crime, the aim of my research is to define the characteristics of toxic masculinity present there and to develop an artistic methodology to challenge it.
-Excellence Scholarship for postgraduate studies in Europe from ‘La Caixa’ Foundation. With this scholarship, he gets his MA in Applied Theatre (Drama for the Community and Drama Education) from The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama (UK).
-Seven years experience as a Social Theatre Facilitator in organisations such as ‘Escena Diversa’ (Spain), St. Margaret’s House (UK) and The Outreach Foundation(South Africa).
-More than two years experience as a trainer of youth workers, teachers and facilitators within the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission. Recent projects include
‘ACTing for Change’ (Netherlands) and ‘Body Poetry’ (France).
-Freelance advisor and consultant on Social Inclusion in Congresses such as ‘The Binational Youth Forum’ in Cascais (Portugal) and ‘The S&D School of Democracy’ of the European Parliament in Reggio Emilia (Italy).
MA in Applied Theatre: Drama for the Community and Drama Education. The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London (United Kingdom). From October 2018 to September 2019.
MA in Artistic, Literary and Cultural Studies. Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain). From September 2015 to September 2016.
Professional Dramatic Art Training. Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (Estonia). From January 2014 to May 2014.
BA (Hons) with distinction in Drama. Superior Dramatic Art School of Castilla & León (Spain). From September 2011 to July 2015.
PhD in EU Law • University of Salamanca
The role of EU citizenship in EU Member State withdrawal and the new legal status of EU citizens in the UK and UK citizens in the EU under the UK’s Withdrawal Agreement.
With the entry into force of UK’s withdrawal agreement my initial research project must be extended to offer a comprehensive assessment of European citizenship during EU withdrawal in light of Brexit. The agreement creates a new status for UK citizens in the EU (such as myself) and EU citizens in the UK (many of which are Spanish nationals) at the time of departure. It is fundamental to research, understand and adequately protect this new legal reality for the families affected but also for the bigger aim of minimising negative effects of Brexit on the historic ties of our two countries
- PhD researcher in EU law at the University of Salamanca since 2017.
- Prospective Thesis Title: “‘Have your cake and eat it?’ The Restricted Legal Regime of Member State Withdrawal from the European Union in light of Brexit”. Supervisor: Luis N. González Alonso. Funding: Junta de Castilla y Leon research scholarship.
- PhD three-month research visit at Queen Mary University of London under the supervision of Rosa M. Lastra at the end of 2019.
- Accepted for future one-month research visit to the Brexit Institute at Dublin City College under the supervision of Prof. Federico Fabbrini in 2021.
- Most relevant publications: “Brexit and the Balance of Free Movement and Social Justice” (2019) in Fahey, E. & Ahmed, T. (eds.), On Brexit. Law, Justices and Injustices, Edward Elgar; “A Commentary on the Lounes Case and the Protection of EU Citizens’ Rights post-Brexit” (2018), Revista General de Derecho Europeo, vol. 44 [cited in “European Union Law” (2019) by Damian Chalmers, Gareth Davies and Giorgio Monti, Cambridge University Press].
- Other prizes: SRUK/CERU On the Move mobility grant; Yuste Charles V Award grant; Masters in EU Studies Academic Excellence Award.
- Member of the Jean Monnet Network “European Papers: A Journal on Law and Integration” financed by the European Commission under the direction of Juan Santos Vara.
- Previous experience: Legal intern at the European Court of Justice with Spanish Advocate General Manuel Campos; Research Assistant at Université Libre de Bruxelles with Philippe De Bruycker.
- Spanish/English bilingual.
07/2017-2021: PhD candidate in EU Law PhD Program “Rule of Law and Global Governance” Supervisor: Luis N. González Alonso, Chair of Public International Law (Prospective Thesis title: “‘Have your cake and eat it?’ The Restricted Legal Regime of Member State Withdrawal from the European Union in light of Brexit” Department of Public International Law and International Relations University of Salamanca (Spain)
03/2021 (accepted): PhD Research visit (1 month)
Supervisor: Federico Fabbrini, Full Professor EU Law Brexit Institute Dublin City University (Ireland)
10/2019-12/2019: PhD Research visit (3 months)
Supervisor: Rosa M. Lastra, Sir John Lubbock Chair Centre for Commercial Law Studies Queen Mary University of London (United Kingdom)
09/2015-07/2016: Master’s Degree (LLM) in European Union Studies (Grade: 9.4/10)
End of Term thesis: “A New Settlement for the UK in the EU or a new EU without the UK? Free Movement of People in the EU-UK pre-referendum Deal”, supervisor Luis N. Gonzalez. University of Salamanca (Spain)
10/2008-06/2013: Bachelor’s Degree in Law (Grade: 8/10)
10-month Erasmus program at Nicolaus Copernicus University (Poland)
Internship at First Instance Court no1 of Granada University of Granada (Spain)
PhD in Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences. The University of Edinburgh “
Quantifying plant responses to climate change in extreme biomes.
Climate change is leading to far-reaching effects across the planet. Particularly, the Arctic is warming at twice the global average rate, resulting into an overall ‘tundra greening’ as a result of woody plant encroachment across northern latitudes. These changing environmental conditions have cascading effects on biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services, and thus the need to understand these mechanisms remains crucial. In my PhD thesis, I combine ecological monitoring, trait records and species distributions to provide a macro ecological perspective on global change impacts in tundra ecosystems, and to quantify these vegetation changes and the climatic drivers which underline them
- PhD Researcher (September 2017 – present) Global Change Research Group, School of Geosciences, The University of Edinburgh (Scotland) Supervisors: Dr Isla Myers-Smith, Dr Caroline Lehmann, Dr Anne Bjorkman and Dr Signe Normand.
- Awarded the Principal Career Development Scholarship from The University of Edinburgh.
- Equality & Diversity Committee and Athena Swan Self-Assessment Team (from September 2018).
- Coordinator of the Edinburgh University Atmosphere-Biosphere Programme (EUBAP) seminar series (April 2018 – April 2019).
- Junior Biodiversity Conservation Officer (January 2016 – August 2017)
- International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), European Regional Office (Brussels)
- Member of the Global Species and Key Biodiversity Areas Programme Coordination and support of biodiversity conservation projects (including LIFE programmes)
- Gender Focal Point for Europe. Maternity cover for Project Manager (Nov 2016 – April 2017)
- MSc Biodiversity Conservation, Distinction (September 2013 – February 2015) Bournemouth University (BU, Poole, United Kingdom) Dorset Wildlife Trust Prize for Best MSc Research Project on Biodiversity Conservation
- MSc Thesis: Assessing the extinction risk of bumblebees in Europe. Distinction.
- BSc & MSc Environmental Sciences, 7.8/10 (2:1) (September 2008 – June 2013) University of Extremadura (UEx, Badajoz, Spain)
- Excellence prize – Best grades when entering BSc degree. Caja de Extremadura.
- BSc Environmental Management (2:1) (September 2011 – June 2012) University of Central Lancashire (UCLan, Preston, United Kingdom) Erasmus grant for an academic year.
PhD in Materials • University of Oviedo / Imperial College London
Developing new computer models and conducting critical experiments to unravel the phenomenon of hydrogen embrittlement.
Hydrogen is one of the main future clean energy fuels and, therefore, it is necessary improve the steels for its transportation and containment. However, the hydrogen induces the premature failure. Therefore, this problem complicates the structures calculation due to the hydrogen brittlement phenomenon probability happening. The aims of the project are: (i) Use a finite element model to reproduce the new experimental test methodologies developed in the University of Oviedo. (ii) Using the model to improve the understanding framework of the hydrogen effect on structural steels. (iii) Propose the best methodology to analyse the effect and choose the accurate material.
- Research assistant in the RTI2018-096070-B-C31 research project titled “Influence of the hydrogen on fracture and fatigue behavior in structural steel welds for energy applications”
- Research assistant in the MAT2014-58738-C3 (SAFEHIDROSTEEL) research project titled “Medium and high fracture and fatigue strength steel vessels design for hydrogen pressure contain”
- Research assistant in the IDE/2016/000283 research project titled “Advanced micromechanical characterization and hydrogen embrittlement. Applications development for quality control and improvement or the critical industrial components”
- Research assistant in the FUO-215-16 research project titled “Advanced characterization and structural integrity of complex structural elements”
- PhD candidate, Materials program, University of Oviedo, Spain (4th year).
- MEng Civil engineering (in the absence of the final project)
2015 – 2016
- MEng Component and structural materials integrity and durability
- Explosive technology course
2011 – 2015
- Civil engineering
Artist Diploma in Performance. Cello performance • Royal College of Music
The revolution of classical music. Strengthening domestic and international social cohesion with the power of music.
While a performance only exists in the present moment, it allows us to connect to our own heritage, thereby reinforcing social structures and strengthening human relations. Through cello, my chosen voice of expression, I intend to explore the limits of making a positive impact on our society. Through my collaborations with inspiring British and UK based Spanish musicians, I am laying the foundations of ventures that will enrich the musical life of both countries and further strengthen their partnership while also expanding the boundaries of classical music.
International competition winner and recipient of awards such as Albert Cooper Trust Award, Royal Academy of Music Scholarship Award, ‘OSIC’ Scholarship from Government of Catalunya, ‘Catalunya – La Pedrera’ Foundation and ‘Ferrer Salat’ Foundation Excellence Awards.
– CD recordings and radio broadcasts in London for Decca Classics, BBC Radio 3 and Classic FM.
– An advocate of Catalan culture, Laura was selected by the Government to represent the Catalan heritage in the institutional video of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
– Concert soloist around Europe including the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Southbank Centre in London, Flagey in Brussels, Muziekgebouw Amsterdam, White Piano Hall in Vilnius, Lithuania and Toscana-Saal in Würzburg, Germany.
– Highly demanded virtuoso in Spain, frequent performances at l’Auditori de Barcelona, Palau de la Música Catalana and Auditorio de Zaragoza.
– Active in outreach and charity work in Spain and London. Most recently having performed for disadvantaged children in Latvia, and at hospitals around London.
– Her philosophical essays were published in ‘OM. Adolescència, música i reflexió’, Riurau Editors Barcelona, at the age of 16 and has won several literary prizes in Barcelona.
– Bachelor of Music at Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya.
– Master of Arts at the Royal Academy of Music, London and Royal Conservatory of Brussels.
2019 – 2020. Royal Academy of Music (London, UK) — Master in cello performance, Year 2 with John Myerscough
2018 – 2019. Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel (Belgium) — Master in cello performance, Year 1 with Jeroen Reuling
2013 – 2017. ESMUC (Barcelona) — BMus in cello performance with Damian Martínez and Casals Quartet
- Albert Cooper Music Charitable Trust Award, Scholarship from Government of Catalunya, AIE Scholarship
2015-2018. Scholarship from “AIE Sociedad de Artistas Intérpretes o Ejecutantes de España”, 2nd prize at ‘The North International Music Competition’, 1st prize at ‘XXI Pòdiums’ and ‘Higini Anglès’ competitions (Barcelona), “Catalunya – La Pedrera Foundation” Excellence Award, ‘Honour Prize’ of IEA Oriol Martorell generation, “Ferrer Salat Foundation” Scholarship
DPhil in Biomedical Sciences (PhD) • University of Oxford
Understanding cancer cell diversity to develop better leukaemia treatments.
This project aims to tackle a major obstacle in cancer treatment: the effective characterization of the exact mixture of cancer cells within a tumour, to ultimately eliminate all malignant cells and eradicate the disease. I will be employing a pioneering single-cell multi-omic technology, which I developed during my DPhil, to characterize subpopulations of cancer cells that comprise acute myeloid leukaemia. This is an aggressive cancer of the bone marrow for which there aren’t effective treatments. I will identify the molecules expressed in cells carrying genetic aberrations, and use this information to identify new drugs that could inhibit the expansion of malignant cell populations.
- Current: Researcher at the University of Oxford (2015-ongoing)
- – Researcher at the Breast Cancer Epigenetics and Tumour Microenvironment
- Groups. Imperial College London, UK. 10/2014-09/2015.
- – Erasmus Internship in cancer epigenetics. Imperial College London, UK. 06/2014-09/2014.
- – Research internship in Cancer Stem Cell Biology. Cancer Research Centre,
- Salamanca, Spain. 09/2013-06/2014. Competitively awarded research grant by the Ministry of Science, Spanish Government.
- – Summer internship in Cancer Biology. National Biotechnology Centre (Madrid, Spain). 06/2013-07/2013.
- DPhil candidate (PhD) in Biomedical Sciences. University of Oxford,UK.
- – MRes in Cancer Biology. Imperial College London, UK. 2014-2015. Awarded
Distinction (>70%), top 5% of the class.
- – BSc (Hons) in Biotechnology. University of Salamanca, Spain. GPA: 8.9/10
(top 5%) and maximum grade (100%) in Final Degree Thesis
ROCHE, Jonathan
PhD in History • University of Nottingham
English Catholic espionage in the late sixteen centuries.
My research examines Anglo-Spanish relations in the years following the Spanish Armada (1588) by investigating a group of English Catholic spies who together supplied English intelligence to the Spanish Crown. Through an analysis of this group’s surviving papers, I aim to reconstruct the network, identifying how it functioned, who its informers in England were, and what intelligence was delivered to Spain. Through this investigation, I explore the influence this group of English Catholics had in shaping Spanish policy towards England.
My research centres on English Catholic espionage in the late sixteenth century. The intelligence these men and women collected — which survives today in letters and intelligence reports scattered across Europe — was used to influence attitudes towards England in Spain, the Low Countries, and the Papal Court. These documents reveal a new dimension of Catholic resistance to the Protestant state in England hitherto overlooked. The project is supervised by Dr David Gehring and Prof. Elaine Fulton. It is financially supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) through the Midlands3Cities doctoral training programme.
* University of Nottingham, PhD in History – 2016- present. Co-supervised with the University of Birmingham. Thesis title: ‘The Spanish Elizabethans and Espionage during the Anglo-Spanish War’ Anticipated completion: September 2020
* University of Nottingham, MA in History – 2015-2016. Graduated with distinction. Dissertation title: ‘An “unnatural” Enemy: Contesting Elizabethan England’s Hidden Catholic Spaces’
* University of Nottingham, BA(hons) in History – 2012- 2015. Graduated with a first-class degree Dissertation title: ‘Refusing to Conform: Catholic Community in Late-Elizabethan Nottinghamshire (1588-1603)’
IQBAL, Affan
PhD in Physics • University of Cambridge and CSIC
Interplay of light, strain and charge dynamics in halide perovskites
Halide perovskites are excellent candidates for next generation photovoltaic and sensing technology. While our understanding of these unconventional materials has made great leaps, a coherent understanding of structure-property relationships is as yet outstanding. The project is to combine the strengths of the candidate’s home university where novel approaches to optical spectroscopy to interrogate halide perovskites have been pioneered and the destination institute in Spain where there is world-leading expertise in modulating and tuning strain. This work will be the foundation of the candidate’s PhD work and be critical to fostering fruitful collaboration between the two groups in future.
Published a high impact paper (Nature Communications 10, 2791, 2019) as a result of the research during my Master’s degree which was reported on the science website ScienceDaily
-Presented an oral talk and a poster and at an international conference (ISIF2019), August 2019, Dublin, Ireland
-Strong experimental research skills with particular expertise in atomic and piezoresponse force microscopy
-Attended and helped organize an EPSRC workshop on the functional properties of domain walls, March 2019, Venice, Italy
-Received competitive funding for a 6-month fellowship in the Electronic and Functional Materials Group at the University of Warwick
-Won a competitive place to do a PhD student in Physics working on the physics of halide perovskites with Dr Sam Stranks at the Cavendish Laboratory at the University of Cambridge
-Demonstrator and marker for Year 1 undergraduate Physics at the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge
-Demonstrator and marker for Year 1 Scientific Computing, Natural Sciences Tripos, University of Cambridge
-Strong data analysis and programming experience through competitive summer internships with skills to automate a range of experimental measurements
PhD in Physics October 2019 – Current University of Cambridge. Supervisor: Dr Sam Stranks. Project title: Interplay of strain and charge dynamics in halide perovskites
Teaching responsibilities: i) Demonstrator for Year 1 Experimental Physics labs, Cavendish
Laboratory ii) Demonstrator for Year 1 Scientific computing labs, Natural Sciences Tripos
Other responsibilities: Taking part in group management and developing research group’s IT infrastructure including short-term and large-term data storage
MSc by research in Physics January 2019 University of Warwick Supervisor: Prof Marin Alexe
Thesis title: Photoferroic effects in perovskites
Teaching responsibilities: Demonstrator for Year 1 Electronics workshops
Other responsibilities: i) Responsible for on-boarding of new research students in Electronic &
Functional materials group at the Department of Physics, ii) Equipment manager for home-
built pulsed laser deposition system, iii) Laboratory manager with responsibility for health and safety
BSc Mathematics & Physics September 2017 King’s College London. Supervisor: Prof Alessandro de Vita
Thesis title: Machine learning for molecular modelling
MRes Healthcare and Design • Royal College of Art.
Redesigning training for Minimally Invasive Surgery form a Human Centered Design approach.
The master of research (MRes) programme will culminate with the final dissertation project, entitled Redesigning training for Minimally Invasive Surgery from a Human-Centered Design approach, with which new training methods and devices are explored. The aim of the project is to expedite the adoption of the latest cutting-age advancements in minimally invasive procedures, as well as to reduce human errors. Thus, new surgical solutions to improve the quality of health of people could be provided. Participatory Design methods are used to guide the research and to achieve a human-centered outcome, which includes cooperative training across people, institutions and nations.
I am a design researcher focused in healthcare. Currently, I am studying the MRes Healthcare and Design, a shared programme between the Royal College of Art and the Imperial College London, in which I have deepened my knowledge in design research methods such as Participatory Design and Human-Centered Design. Moreover, I have been gaining great experience about the entire development process of products, services and business models, not only from my academic studies, but also thanks to the work and participation in a variety of transversal projects – in such different areas as product, graphic and interior design – with organizations and professionals from different sectors, although most of them in the healthcare sector, which I am passionate about.
MRes Healthcare and Design at Royal College of Art and Imperial College London (London, UK) Sep 2018 – Currently
This programme draws on the complementary expertise from the Royal College of Art and Helen Hamlyn Design Centre, and the healthcare expertise from both the Imperial College London and the Helix Centre. It provides students with research methods and
tools, such as Design Thinking, Human-Centered Design and Behaviour Change, to solve everyday problems of people and organizations.
Post-graduate Industrial Design and Product Development at UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia) Dec 2017 – Jun 2018
Programme focused on industrial processes for the development of new products.
BA Comprehensive Design and Image Management at Rey Juan Carlos University (Madrid, Spain) Sep 2013 – Jul 2017
This degree teaches students in different areas of design -graphic, space and product design- and provides skills to work on transversal projects with multidisciplinary teams. End-of-degree project 9.5/10.
Congratulations to all candidates and thank you very much to all applicants.
If you wish to sponsor a Charity Scholarship Award, for more information contact:
Ms Maria Soriano, BSS Development Secretary, development@britishspanishsociety.org