BritishSpanish Society

Promoting friendship and understanding between the people of Britain and Spain.

BritishSpanish Society

Promoting friendship and understanding between the people of Britain and Spain.

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La Revista 264

Groenlandia en bicicleta de agua

Culmina con éxito la primera expedición ártica en bicicletas de agua, por Pepe Ivars

Sir Alex Ellis, new British Ambassador to Spain speaks to La Revista

In an interview with Jimmy Burns Marañón the British ambassador shares his views on the opportunities and challenges of UK-Spanish relations


Pamplona: the Spanish city with the ‘best quality of life’

The 2,000-year-old capital of Navarra, in northern Spain has walked off with the title of the Spanish city with the best quality of life. By Jules Stewart and Helen Crisp

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Leighton House: Bay of Cádiz, moonlight

When the events team were invited to a preview of the Leighton and Landscape: Impressions from Nature exhibition we were very excited to accept. Those who had previously visited Leighton House knew it was something special, for those of us who hadn’t it didn’t take us long to see the attraction and ask ‘how can […]

Fundraising Appeal

Thank you to the donors of the BSS Fundraising Appeal

Cristina Álvarez-Campana

Jimmy Burns

Janin Campos

Helen Crisp

Roger Golland

Paul Graham

Dame Denise Holt

Javier Lánderer

Dame Mary Marsh

Charles Morgan

Lady Mª Belén Parker

Luis Quiroga

Juan Reig

John Scanlan

Mike Short

Jonathan Stordy

Mrs Mercedes Sutherland

Benjamin Welch

Duke of Wellington

Sir Stephen Wright

Carmen & Scott Young

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