2nd Zoom Panel Discussion. Even better!!
- Posted by Cristina A-C
- On May 21, 2020
- Jimmy Burns
Context: Building on our first debate, what are the abiding lessons learned so far from the crisis, and what will be the consequences for the long-term health and welfare of our nations? How will we tackle the stresses of unemployment, business failures, loss of time at school, mental health? What will be the priorities for spending and investment by public sectors facing financial perils? Where can the voluntary and charity sectors best contribute to recovery?
The well balanced panel, chaired by Jimmy Burns OBE , offered facts, insights, and views about what is happening in both countries and lessons learnt about key issues.
Feedback from the audience:
Also lots of topics that resonated with issues my employer is facing came up. It is very interesting to hear other people’s views on the future of education digitalisation and global mobility.” Mikel Benito , Director Spanish Cervantes Theatre in London and student accomodation finance coordinator.
” I thought yesterday went well despite one or two technical hitches. I particularly liked the question you put to Ana and her answer re how women cope better in difficult situations! ” Maria Belen Parker, Patron-BritishSpanish Society.