Ana Romero Galán in conversation with Raphael Minder. Recording available now
- Posted by Cristina A-C
- On January 28, 2021
- Jimmy Burns
BSS Webminar Series: Ana Romero Galán in conversation with Raphael Minder.
If you missed out, don’t worry! You can now access the full video, simply, clicking here.
Our latest webinar conversation attracted 51 members and friends who joined from their homes in both Spain and the UK. For this event by Zoom, Ana Romero Galán was in conversation with Raphael Minder, Swiss born and for ten years the New York Times foreign correspondent for Spain and Portugal based in Madrid.
The last ten years has been a critical period in Spanish modern history and, following his book on the secessionist drive in Catalonia, Raphael has now written ‘Esto es Espana?: Una decada de correspnsalia Is this Spain?’ which covers the national impact of the financial crisis and the pandemic, and the resulting political tensions.
Ana Romero Galán is a member of our Society living in Madrid and has been a distinguished panellist in previous events. She reported that Raphael’s new book is full of really good stories and could be sub-titled, ‘Truffles, Sex and Orange Marmalade!’
Positive responses in the online chat room included, ‘excellent session; good panel’, ‘unas breves palabras para daros la enhorabuena por una charla que no hubiese querido perder por nada. Excelente iniciativa vuestra serie de webminars que a partir de ahora seguiré puntualmente’, ‘me alegro un monton , me encanta participar en el BSS’ and the simpler, ‘graciaaass!’
This remote format may have been imposed upon us due to the current difficult situation but it has proved continuously popular among our members and friends.