Autumn reception at British ambassador’s residence in Madrid

Event Date:

September 22, 2022

Event Time:

7:30 pm

Event Location:

Residencia del Embajador Británico

BritishSpanish Society autumn reception in Madrid

We will be celebrating our Autumn Reception in the gardens of the Ambassador’s residence in Madrid on the evening of Thursday 22nd September 2022.

Please note that this is a member only event, exclusive to BritishSpanish members, and non-transferable. 

Thank you to Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Spain, Hugh Elliot, and all at the Embassy for kindly hosting us.

Our aim in 2023 is to continue expanding our Scholarship programme to reach more BritishSpanish post graduate students. Donations can be made at any time before the event. Our suggested minimum donation is 40 euros.

The BritishSpanish Society Charity se ha marcado como objetivo para el 2023 seguir ampliando el Programa de Becas, dotándolo de mayores recursos, pudiendo así llegar a más estudiantes españoles y británicos. Por ello, estaríamos muy agradecidos si pudiese realizar una donación de 40 Euros para dicho Programa.



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  • Residencia del Embajador Británico
  • Avenida Miraflores, 23
  • Madrid
  • Spain
  • 28035
  • Spain

Event Schedule Details

  • September 22, 2022 7:30 pm
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Fundraising Appeal

Thank you to the donors of the BSS Fundraising Appeal

Cristina Álvarez-Campana

Jimmy Burns

Janin Campos

Helen Crisp

Roger Golland

Paul Graham

Dame Denise Holt

Javier Lánderer

Dame Mary Marsh

Charles Morgan

Lady Mª Belén Parker

Luis Quiroga

Juan Reig

John Scanlan

Mike Short

Jonathan Stordy

Mrs Mercedes Sutherland

Benjamin Welch

Duke of Wellington

Sir Stephen Wright

Carmen & Scott Young

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