BSS Scholarship Awards Ceremony 10th Anniversary 2008-2018
- Posted by Jonny hough
- On May 24, 2018
This year marks the 10th Anniversary of the BritishSpanish Society Scholarship Programme. 10 years empowering knowledge and culture sponsoring more than 60 cutting-edge postgraduate projects aiming to support and encourage individual and institutional links between the United Kingdom and Spain, with the invaluable aid of our principal supporters: BBVA, Mahou San Miguel, Plastic Energy, Fundación Banco Sabadell, Santander Universities and Telefónica.
Last May 24th saw the Anniversary Scholarship Awards Ceremony kindly hosted by the Spanish Ambassador HE Carlos Bastarreche, Honorary President of the BritishSpanish Society. The United Kingdom Ambassador to Spain, HE Simon Manley, Honorary Vice-President of the BritishSpanish Society also attended the event.
The Board of Trustees and the Executive Council of the BritishSpanish Society is very grateful for the invaluable support of the mentioned corporate and institutional supporters and for the generous individual donations making possible an special anniversary BSS Patrons & Members Scholarship Award going to: Helen Louis Flately, PhD History at the University of Oxford, studying Ways of belonging: The Mozarabs of Toledo and Christian, Muslim, Jewish Relations in Medieval Iberia.
Click here to see all the 2018 awarded projects.
BSS Patrons & Members award was funded with the generous donations of:
- Dame Denise Holt, BSS Patron
- Baroness Hooper, BSS Patron
- Lady María-Belén Parker, BSS Patron
- Mr John Scanlan, BSS Patron
- Sir Stephen Wright, BSS Patron
- Mr Albert Jones, BSS Scholarhip Programme funding member
- Mr Jimmy Burns, BSS Chairman
- Ms Cristina Álvarez-Campana, BSS Trustee
- Mr Hugh Elliot, BSS Trustee
- Mr Roger Golland, BSS Trustee
- Mr Juan Reig, BSS Trustee
- Mr Matthew Doughty, BSS Member
- Mr Martín Pérez, BSS Member
The BSS Grants Sub-committee receives hundreds of applications every year, from British and Spanish post-graduate students in need of help to develop their cutting-edge research projects.
You can make small or big donations, making possible to sponsor additional projects in 2019.
Click here to make a donation supporting the BSS Scholarship Programme.
Left to right: Helen Louise Flatley, BSS Patrons & Members Award; Roc Fargas, Fundación Banco Sabadell Award; Núria Gozález, Santander Universities Award; Javier Díaz, Plastic Energy Award; Paula Fraga, BBVA Award; Albert Coll, Banco Sabadell Corporate Affairs Director; Phillip Paddack, BBVA UK Country Manager; Christian Kern, Telefónica Investor Relations Director; Marta Baldomero, Telefónica Award; HE Carlos Bastarreche, Spanish Ambassador; HE Simon Manley, UK Ambassador to Spain; Rafael Carrasco, Mahou San Miguel Award; Matthew Hutnell, Santander Universities Director; Jimmy Burns, BSS Chairman; Santiago Fernández, Mahou San Miguel International Area Director and Alba Guijarro, Santander Universities Award.