October 10, 2024
8:00 pm
The Ambassador's Residence
The Autumn reception is a highlight of our Spain based event calendar. This year we’ll be noting out thanks to outgoing Ambassador Hugh Elliot, and welcoming the new British Ambassador to Spain, Alex Ellis.
This member only event promises to be a great celebration of our BritishSpanish links and celebrates the great relationship shared by our two countries.
Cristina Álvarez-Campana
Jimmy Burns
Janin Campos
Helen Crisp
Roger Golland
Paul Graham
Dame Denise Holt
Javier Lánderer
Dame Mary Marsh
Charles Morgan
Lady Mª Belén Parker
Luis Quiroga
Juan Reig
John Scanlan
Mike Short
Jonathan Stordy
Mrs Mercedes Sutherland
Benjamin Welch
Duke of Wellington
Sir Stephen Wright
Carmen & Scott Young