May 20, 2022
6:00 pm
Violeta de 72 años se divorció recientemente y vive sola en la casa familiar, donde cuida a diario del frondoso jardín y tiene planes de montar una pensión. Cuando descubre que el banco le quiere quitar su casa, está dispuesta a romper todas las reglas para defender su hogar y su autonomía.
Instituto Cervantes London hosts a series of some of the most significant films from the countries that make up the Central American Integration System (SICA, in Spanish): Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama and the Dominican Republic. The series begins with Just Cause is a 2019 Panamanian film about the United States invasion of Panama in 1989. Directed by Luis Franco Brantley and Luis Pacheco, this movie was selected to represent its country for the Best International Feature Film at the 93rd Academy Awards
Cristina Álvarez-Campana
Jimmy Burns
Janin Campos
Helen Crisp
Roger Golland
Paul Graham
Dame Denise Holt
Javier Lánderer
Dame Mary Marsh
Charles Morgan
Lady Mª Belén Parker
Luis Quiroga
Juan Reig
John Scanlan
Mike Short
Jonathan Stordy
Mrs Mercedes Sutherland
Benjamin Welch
Duke of Wellington
Sir Stephen Wright
Carmen & Scott Young