History: Game of Queens between England and Spain

Event Date:

February 27, 2024

Event Time:

7:00 pm

Event Location:

History: Game of Queens between England and Spain

Presented by 2022 BritishSpanish Society-Santander Universities scholarship winner Dr Emma Cahill.

From Eleanor Plantagenet to Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg including queens like Eleanor of Castile, Catherine of Lancaster, Catherine of Aragon and Mary Tudor, since the Middle Ages royal women have played a key role in the relations between England and Spain. The rulers of both territories sealed alliances destined to consolidate dynastic and economic ties that resulted in marriage agreements where the women were vehicles of change. The main consequence was different cultural and artistic exchanges that had an impact in places like Burgos, Toledo, Cambridge and London. In honour of International Women’s Day, this course will provide an overview of the role played by the queens that served this alliance. These women made contributions to building bonds between England and Spain through the patronage of art and culture.

7 sessions: 90 minutes each, via Zoom

Price: £95 (includes Game of Queens between England and Spain online course + gifted Instituto Cervantes e-library + library membership valued at £40)

Discounted price (for Instituto Cervantes London students and British university students): £85 (includes Game of Queens between England and Spain online course + gifted Instituto Cervantes e-library + library membership valued at £40)

Presented in English. 

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  • Houghton St
  • London WC2A 2AE

Event Schedule Details

  • February 27, 2024 7:00 pm   -   8:30 pm
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Fundraising Appeal

Thank you to the donors of the BSS Fundraising Appeal

Cristina Álvarez-Campana

Jimmy Burns

Janin Campos

Helen Crisp

Roger Golland

Paul Graham

Dame Denise Holt

Javier Lánderer

Dame Mary Marsh

Charles Morgan

Lady Mª Belén Parker

Luis Quiroga

Juan Reig

John Scanlan

Mike Short

Jonathan Stordy

Mrs Mercedes Sutherland

Benjamin Welch

Duke of Wellington

Sir Stephen Wright

Carmen & Scott Young

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