March 5, 2020
6:30 pm
By 2030 as many as 375 million workers, roughly 14% of the global workforce, may need to change occupational categories as digitization, automation, and advances in artificial intelligence disrupt the world of work. The skills that companies require will shift, with profound implications for the career paths individuals will need to pursue. Join us to hear a long-term view on how automation and AI will shape the workplace with IE Professor Nick van Dam
Cristina Álvarez-Campana
Jimmy Burns
Janin Campos
Helen Crisp
Roger Golland
Paul Graham
Dame Denise Holt
Javier Lánderer
Dame Mary Marsh
Charles Morgan
Lady Mª Belén Parker
Luis Quiroga
Juan Reig
John Scanlan
Mike Short
Jonathan Stordy
Mrs Mercedes Sutherland
Benjamin Welch
Duke of Wellington
Sir Stephen Wright
Carmen & Scott Young