HM King Felipe and Queen Letizia of Spain will be greeting audiences from their carriage along The Mall on Wednesday 12th July at 12.00 noon
- Posted by Jonny hough
- On July 12, 2017
If you are free this Wednesday 12th July at 12.00 noon and you wish to see the Spanish Head of State, please be aware that HM King Felipe and Queen Letizia of Spain will parade on their way to Buckingham Palace, greeting the crowds from their carriage. Don’t miss it!
For over one hundred years now, the BritishSpanish Society has been part of the cultural diplomacy between Spain and the United Kingdom and we are all very excited with the current Royal State visit in London. At this charity, we are very grateful to the Spanish Royal Family for the great diplomacy work developed, in particular towards the reinforcement of stronger links between Spain and Great Britain.
You can follow all the details about the State visit of HM King Felipe and Queen Letizia of Spain in the charity social networks:
- BSS Facebook: https://www.facebook
- BSS Twitter: https://twitter.com/B
We take this opportunity to thank all Corporate Sponsors and Individual Members of the BritishSpanish Society for their invaluable charity support and for their help spreading the word of the charity.
If you wish to support our charity work building stronger bridges between Spain and Great Britain, click here to see membership options.