Zoom Panel Discussion. A big success!
- Posted by Cristina A-C
- On April 30, 2020
- Jimmy Burns
The first BSS ‘Question Time’ virtual panel discussion on “The Impact of Covid-19 on the UK and Spain” was a great succcess. If you missed it, now can access to the video, simply, clicking here.
Context: Both Spain and the UK have been hit hard by the pandemic. What lessons can we learn from the way governments and societies have responded? What will be the longer-term consequences for our economies and communities? How are the educational and cultural sectors responding? What will ‘back to normal’ look like when restrictions on movement are lifted?
The well balanced panel, chaired by Jimmy Burns OBE , offered facts, insights, and views about what is happening in both countries and lessons learnt about key issues. The panel discussion was enriched with live comments from the audience and further contributions via chat.
Comments from the chat:
Carlos – GAP Spain: The Climate Crisis was main stream news before Covid 19. With the collateral aspects such as clean air, nature occupying spaces, minimal consumerism, etc… does the panel see the 2 governemnts embracing the Climate Crisis more or less after the present crisis subsides?
Roger: An interesting little publicised fact is that the first Briton to die from the virus died on 28 Feb on the cruise liner Diamond Princess was a 70 year old resident of Mallorca.
rgomezjordana@hotmail.com: we will see a world with different speeds on different economies it is interesting to analyze it in occidental economies china india a south asia countries and finally on economies depending more on natural resources as Africa and Latam. In any case we Will need competent governants as i beleive the protagonism of the stae Will be in some way necessary
rgomezjordana@hotmail.com: for the time being we have more rain in Madrid than ever thanks to the absence of contamination
Alberto Villanueva: I am moving to a work meeting. One of the new problems of working from home!Thanks for organising and it has been a pleasure to see you all. Looking forward to seeing you again soon.
Julio Romo: In answer to the past question and answer, I think it’ll be a generational change… slow move away from the previous normal.
David Segura-Pravia: I have got my entire team working from home. The way we are working since this pandemic has changed and I belive it will stay.
sarah lovett: Thank you for an interesting discussion and my apologies for using strong language. Locals were outraged by this German’s attitude and are hoping the housing crisis may be helped with a drop in visitors.
Brian James: Wish we had more time!
Julio Romo: My first event. Will be back. Gracias a todos!
Feedback from the audience:
“Brilliant. Please repeat. I though Romero was amazing. So warm and spot on. Carlin was brilliant too. When’s the next one?” Carlos Oppe.
“Buen webinar! manifeste algunos comentarios en el chat. salio muy bien todo. Great!” Rafael Gomez Jordana “Enhorabuena, Jimmy!” Ana Romero
“A pleasure, Jimmy!” John Carlin
“Went very well.Well done ” Sir Stephen Wright
“I zoomed in this evening (had a bit of trouble with sound on my computer initially but am happy to report I persevered) and am so pleased I registered. I found the discussion most interesting and, as Ana Romero remarked, I hope there will be more (I take note that there’s a quiz next week!). It must have been quite a feat of organisation so congratulations on that front and for getting together a most interesting range of people. I look forward to more!” Jaqueline Hurtley